“Transforming Pain into Love: The Inspiring Tale of a Resilient Pup’s Journey to Recovery from Brutal Muzzle Binding”

A puppy that was found with a hairband tightly tied around her snout was surrendered to an animal shelter that does not put animals down.

The hair tie was deeply embedded, causing her face to swell three times its normal size. Despite the severity of the situation, Tiffany remained calm and was praised by the rescue team for her bravery. She received medical attention and is now recovering well, with the help of the kind stranger who found her. She is eating and drinking normally and on her way to a full recovery.

Tiffany’s condition has improved significantly, as her swelling has reduced and her face is healing after being stitched up. Cincinnati Animal CARE is requesting help in locating Tiffany’s attacker and PETA has promised a reward to whoever provides information that leads to the arrest of the abuser. Those with relevant details can reach out to Hamilton County Dog Wardens by dialing 513-541-7387.
